Friday, May 9, 2008

Art 207 Project #3 Proposal

this is my proposal for our woodshop project

I chose this site because it is right next to a disc golf course that is very scenic. I went there with the intention of finding a cool tree for my original idea of making a giant root that would transform into a human arm. I then recalled that when you and I spoke, you essentially suggested that I do something less complicated and conceptual. As I walked near the water I found that every 30 feet or so there were groups of big rocks. Here, I imagined I might have seen on a less cloudy day, father and son casting line into the creek. Maybe there could have been a solitary amateur on his lunch break. My mind wandered. I soon concluded that no fish would willingly frequent such murky water – or at least no school large enough to be happened upon by this lonely fisherman. His only option, I decided, would have been to hop out of his business casual and hop in to the bog before him.
I have not yet determined whether he had done this for the thrill of catching a fish with his bare hands or if he simply wanted to cool off. For my project I wish to portray the scene directly following one’s decisive abandon and consequent leap into uncertainty. Leaning on the first two rocks will be a stranded fishing rod. Then, a trail of lost clothes leading to the water’s edge.


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